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We can help get your business in front of environmental health decision makers and professionals with buying power. Reach thousands of professionals who seek industry products, services, information, and expertise to help advance their organizations. Choose among our many opportunities to reach potential customers.

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Journal of Environmental Health

  • Print and electronic delivery
  • Display ads, classified ads, advertorials; The digitally delivered JEH has links that are clickable to advertiser websites, videos, online tutorials, etc.
  • Published 10 times per year and reaches more than 20,000 environmental health professionals
  • Peer-reviewed and highly rated by members
  • Advertising Rates

EH In Focus Newsletter

  • Published more than 20 times per year
  • Distributed to nearly than 7,000 members
  • Above industry average open rate of 34% and average click rate of 17%
  • Advertiser banner ad available (585 pixels x 153 pixels)


  • Average monthly homepage unique visitors = 12,000
  • Homepage banner ads available on monthly basis
  • Job Postings: we will place your job posting on our website; members get one free posting per year. For other rates, see visit our job posting page.

Annual Educational Conference & Exhibition

  • Exhibit space at the premiere education, training, and networking event for 1,000–1,500 environmental health professionals
  • Sponsorship levels include networking breaks, educational sessions, and in-demand services such as charging stations, Wi-Fi, and audiovisual

Sponsors and Partners

  • Enjoy visibility all year long and on multiple platforms as an organizational sponsor or partner
  • For those interested in solidifying a long-term commitment to environmental health with the highest visibility, a combination of the above opportunities will be customized to meet your budget and maximize your exposure

Find out more about pricing, custom packages, and discount incentives by emailing sales@neha.org.